PMV Games 2016

From PMV Wiki

The PMV Games 2016 competition (part of the World PMV Games) was held on /r/PornMusicVids by Gemcutter on January 31st, 2016. [1]

The contest received 17 entries with the theme "Your 5 favorite pornstarts".

The results were announced on May 26th, 2016. The winner of the PMV Games 2016 is BootyMusic with their entry "TOP 5 SLUTTY SMILES". [2]


A trailer detailing the rule was produced released to Pornhub by Gemcutter:


The rules were:

  1. Challengers can only use their top 5 pornstars
  2. Follow the title format "PMV GAMES 2016 - Your name + creative add"
  3. Maximum PMV length is 10 minutes


Voting was split into two categories: main and modteam, due to the existing standing of the modteam members, creating an unfair contest for newcomers.[2]


The winning entry of the main category for the PMV Games 2016 is BootyMusic with their entry "TOP 5 SLUTTY SMILES". Receivng 45 upvotes.

The winning entry of the modteam category for the PMV Games 2016 is LonelyFucker with their entry "THIS IS HOW WE DO". Receiving 51 upvotes.
